Don't Wait to Get In Shape

"I'll start a martial arts practice when I get in shape!"  

This is the most common excuse we hear when we encourage people to start a martial art.  Just the other day I ran into a friend in one of our local coffee shops.  She asked me how my Jiujitsu practice was coming and I was excited to talk to her about it.  It has made an impact on me so I always encourage my friends to come in and give it a try.  

Yep, guessed it! "I'd really like to but I need to get in shape first". But isn't that kind of like saying, "I'll go to the doctor when I feel better?".  The truth is martial arts are a great way to get in shape. You don't need to get in shape to go to the gym right?  It's the same with martial arts.

Most martial arts involve physical activity and you'll get in shape along the way. While you will push yourself and be encouraged to push yourself you go at your own pace.  Before you know it you'll be in great shape and the one pushing and encouraging the new guy or gal!

Watch the video below to see how Al Diaz used Brazilian JiuJitsu to not only lose weight and get in shape but to also kick some of his medications!




Craig Graves